Hi, I am Dr Chan

I am a Medical Doctor, Chef & Coach passionate about activating and helping people to unlock the power of healthy Lifestyle & Eating Habits as Medicine to Prevent & Combat the 'Deadly Quartet' of Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Obesity and other lifestyle-related chronic diseases. 


Visit or Contact Me

where I practise medicine 

at my medical clinic, focusing on coaching patients to make the necessary lifestyle and diet modifications to better control combat diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and weight problems as well as other lifestyle-related chronic conditions.

My Clinic

Where I train and coach

through my workshops and training programmes - both online and in-person, I hope to be able to help my coachees and participants who are committed to learn how to unlock the power of Habits as Medicine.

The Habits Pharmacy

Where I share & activate

Through my Youtube Channel, Facebook, Podcast & Blog, I hope to activate people to unlock the power of Habits as Medicine.
My social media handles are
The Habits Doctor & What's Cooking Doc?

The Habits Doctor

Subscribe to the 
HABITSMED newsletter 

The HABITSMED newsletter is my regular email newsletter when I would share nuggets and food for thought about the Power of Habits as Medicine from my blog and Youtube Channel @TheHabitsDoctor as well as update on events, workshops and training programmes @TheHabitsPharmacy that I conduct to activate and equip people to unlock the Power of Healthy Lifestyle & Eating Habits as Medicine to Combat the 'Deadly Quartet' of Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Obesity and other Lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

HABITSMED newsletter 

Bite-Sized Nuggets & Food for Thought about the Power of Habits as Medicine as well as updates on events, workshops and programmes.

Check your email to confirm your subscription to start receiving updates. Unsubscribe at any time.